Sunday, November 25, 2012

Epilogue of Sorts

Since "Debris" is now finished, and packaged up, and sent off to festivals from whence it can never return, I started thinking about Main Character. He's based loosely on my dad, but I never really gave him a name. I've gotten to know one part of his story so well, but I'd honestly never given thought to who he is outside of that particular journey. Maybe because the film is done, and maybe because I don't really have a project to fill the void yet, I find myself thinking about it more and more.

I figure after he arrives home, he decides to spend some more time with his family. He's always been a bit of a chef at heart, and one Saturday morning, he shows his youngest daughter how to make biscuits.

Maybe she'll be the next character I explore? Or his neighbor? Or a stranger he nods to in the grocery store?

Whatever road I explore next, I hope you'll come along with me as I follow it.

Updated on festival screenings, personal screenings, and all other matters of Debris-related ephemera can be found on the official "Debris" facebook page and (recently updated) website!

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