Rough inbetweening!
Back to work on Debris. I've got 20 or so scenes to go, and 4 months to do them in. That's a scene (And maybe a half scene) per week, until the new year. GAH. So close! I can dooo theeeeesss...
Spent some time working on Good Vibes, then took on a second job at Wildbrain doing storyboards for the Ricky Gervais show. Also, I'm getting married next year. Ima be this guy's wiff!

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be an artist, and what I'm trying to say with my art/films. I go through phases like this every 5-6 years or so. I can describe myself as a person, but when I try to describe my body of work, I fail to come up with the right words. It's like trying to remember the name of a movie you love, and the name is on the tip of your tongue, but you're drawing a blank.
I feel like, more than anything else at this point, I'm making Debris for this guy:
Is that reason enough to make it? Does that give it meaning and worth? One can only hope.
In the meantime, back to ROUGH INBETWEEENING YALLLLLL.